If you're developing in WordPress, you'll probably have define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); in your wp-config.php file, which ensures that WordPress does not load minified javascript files. Unfortunately, because of it's large size a non-minified version … [Continue reading]
Using the non-minified version of jQuery in WordPress
How to make sure the correct domain is used in WPML
If you use the WPML multilingual plugin for WordPress, and have each language on a different domain, you may have noticed that WPML does not ensure that all URLs in your page point to the correct domain. You might notice, for example, that images are … [Continue reading]
Adding a favicon to your site (including at the root)
Adding a favicon is an important finishing touch to building your site. If your theme doesn't support favicons, you can add a favicon by adding the following code to your functions.php :If your theme already supports favicons, chances are … [Continue reading]
Don’t edit child themes – use grandchild themes!
Child themes are the easiest way to style WordPress sites. Rather than create a site from scratch, you can create a theme that shares most of its code and styling with a parent theme. The benefits of creating a child theme instead of editing the main … [Continue reading]